[Inside The Therapist’s Office – Ep 1] A YOUNG WOMAN REWARDED

Rohma Muhsinah Nov 20 Feel Better, Get Motivated, Islam & Productivity


T.A.L.K : i-care

Once a smart-looking young woman visited the office of a homeopathy therapist.
The Therapist, though pleased with her bearing, said, 'You have to wait, till your appointment.
The young woman, disappointed, turned to leave. As she was passing out of the doorway, she saw one lady carrying her small girl, who was the reason of the delayed.

[Salam], “Is she your Sister?”

“NO! She is my Sister-in-law.”

“Oh! Great” young woman exclaimed.

“Where do you live?”

“Behind RTO office, I’m sure you heard about this place!”

“Yeah! I know, You came from a long distant. Any emergency?”

“Yes, That’s why i’m here!” young woman spoke softly.


After Few Minutes…

“May I have a water please, (She forgot that she was fasting! ).”

“Yes, Please have a seat.” Therapist said.


She Uncovered her face then started looking around herself as she is Observant so finally she saw a banner which says,


“Tell me about yourself.” therapist asked.

“I am Rahma (mercy) of my creator,

The Merciful (treating people with kindness and forgiveness)

The Gracious (very polite in a way that shows respect)

The Compassionate (Feeling or showing concern for someone who is sick, hurt, poor etc).”


“You mean, you are believer!” therapist said.

“Yes, In Islam, we have six pillars of faith; belief in God, His Angels, His Holy Books, His Prophets, belief in the Last Day and belief in Destiny (Qadar).”

“Great, So you are very strong in your faith.”

“It took a long time to build My Iman (Faith), No matter how  difficult and messy people will try to make it. I’m MUMINAH (Pious believer).” My religion is perfect that’s why i’m alive.

Our Lord says:

This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.  [Qur’an: Chapter 5, Verse 3]


Therapist saw light on her face , her trust in god.

“Take this medicine, and come after 10 days…”


To be continued…


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